The Street Dog Project is comprised entirely of volunteers so your tax-deductible donation goes directly towards the care of the dogs. Our biggest expenses are vetting and boarding. The number of lives we can save is directly related to funding and the number of foster homes available.
More ways to help! Amazon Smile We have approximately 20 dogs in our care at any given time with more street dogs on our radar so we go through supplies quickly. Mendota brand slip leashes and Frontline are items that we consistently need. Here’s a link to our Amazon Wishlist if you’d like to donate: https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/?ie=UTF8&cid=A22519NO1JZVOT
Randall/Tom Thumb Good Neighbor Program
We are an official member of the Randall/Tom Thumb Good Neighbor Program! If you shop at Tom Thumb and have a Reward Card, please link it to our organization's account: #13672. Every time you shop at Tom Thumb your grocery total is added to our account. TSDP will receive 1% of that total every quarter. Be sure to share our account number with friends and family! Happy Shopping, thanks for your support!
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